The table below shows all of the animal properties that can be used in lists and reports. Some properties are derived from events that are defined. If you define additional events and modify the existing events, this list will change to reflect that. See Event Types for an explanation of the standard event types.
NOTE: If your herd is set up for dairy goats, some of the property names will be different. For example, Last Calving Date will appear as Last Kidding Date.
Property Name | Description |
305 Fat (Actual) | The actual fat produced for the most recent lactation. |
305 Milk (Actual) | The actual milk produced for the most recent lactation. |
305 Milk (Projected) | The projected milk production for the current lactation. |
305 Protein (Actual) | The actual protein produced for the most recent lactation. |
305 Value (Actual) | The actual value of the milk produced (in dollars) for the most recent lactation. |
305 Value (Projected) | The projected value of the milk produced (in dollars) for the current lactation. |
ADG Since Weaning | Average daily gain since weaning |
Age | Age in total months. |
Age (Yrs/Mos) | Age in years and months. |
Age at First Calving | Age of animal (in months) when she first calved. |
Avg Breedings/Conception | The average number of breedings for each pregnancy. This does not include pregnancies in the "Previous Lacations" field in the Animal Details view. |
Avg Daily Gain | Average daily gain (computed from birth) |
Barn Name | The animals barn name. |
Birthday | The animals date of birth. |
Breed | The animals breed. |
Breeding Date | If the animal is not open, this is the date of the most recent breeding. |
BST Status | The current BST status (either "Treated" or "Not Treated") |
Computer Number | An internal number that is used by your DHI lab. |
Color | The animal's color. |
Conception Date | The date the animal last conceived. Can be determined only after she is confirmed pregnant or has calved. |
Culled | Whether the animal is culled from the herd (either "Yes" or "No"). |
Cull Notes | Notes about why the animal was culled. |
Dam Barn Name | The dams barn name. |
Dam Other ID | An optional identifier for the dam (such as its registration ID). |
Date Entered Herd | The date the animal entered the herd. |
Date Left Herd | The date the animal left the herd. |
Date Neutered | The date the animal was neutered. |
Days Dry | Number of days since last dry-off (valid only if the animla is currently dry). |
Days Pregnant | The number of days since the animal was last bred (valid only if the animal is confirmed pregnant). |
Days Since Last Breeding | The number of days since the most recent breeding event. |
Days to Next Calving | The estimated number of days to the next calving. |
DIM | The number of days the animal has been milking this lactation. |
DIM at First Breeding | The number of days the animal had been milking when bred for the first time this lactation. |
DIM at Last Conception | The number of days the animal had been milking when when she got pregnant this lactation. |
Distinguishing Marks | Any distinguishing marks about the animal. |
Do Not Breed | An indicator that the animal should not be bred (either "Yes" or "No"). |
Dry Date | If the animal is currently dry, this is the date she was dried off. |
Due Date | If the animal is confirmed pregnant, the is the animals due date. |
Eligible for Breeding | An indicator if a cow is past the voluntary waiting period and has not been bred or is confirmed not pregnant (either "yes" or "No"). |
Fat Change % | The change in percentage in fat production between the last two test days. |
Final BST Treatment Date | The animals final BST treatment date. |
Fresh Date | If the animal is currently lactating, this is the date she began lactating. |
Gender | Either "Male" or "Female". |
Group | The name of the group that this animal belongs to. The name is in the form "East Barn/Pen 1". |
In Herd | "Yes" if the animal is active in the herd. Otherwise "No". |
Lactation | The lactation number for this animal. 0 means it has never lactated. |
Lactation-to-Date Milk Lactation-to-Date EC Milk Lactation-to-Date FC Milk Lactation-to-Date Value Lactation-to-Date Fat Lactation-to-Date Protein |
Estimated total milk production for the current lactation so far (EC = energy corrected, FC = fat corrected) |
Lactation-to-Date Profit/Loss | The profit (or loss) from this animal since the beginning of this lactation. |
Lactation Status | The animals lactation status, either "Fresh", "Dry", or "None". "None" means that the animal has never lactated. |
Lactation Status (projected) | The projected lactation status as of the date of the report or list. |
Last 7 Days Milk Last 7 Days EC Milk Last 7 Days FC Milk Last 7 Days Value Last 7 Days Fat Last 7 Days Protein |
Estimated total milk production for the last 7 days, not including today (EC = energy corrected, FC = fat corrected) |
Last 30 Days Milk Last 30 Days EC Milk Last 30 Days FC Milk Last 30 Days Value Last 30 Days Fat Last 30 Days Protein |
Estimated total milk production for the last 30 days, not including today (EC = energy corrected, FC = fat corrected) |
Last 365 Days Milk Last 365 Days EC Milk Last 365 Days FC Milk Last 365 Days Value Last 365 Days Fat Last 365 Days Protein |
Estimated total milk production for the last 365 days, not including today (EC = energy corrected, FC = fat corrected) |
Last 7 Days Profit/Loss Last 30 Days Profit/Loss Last 365 Days Profit/Loss |
The profit (or loss) from this animal. This is computed based on the animal's production, price per milk, and the cost profile that you set up. |
Last Abortion (New Lact) Date | The date of the last late-term abortion that resulted in a new lactation. |
Last Abortion (Open) Date | The date of the last early-term abortion that did not result in a new lactation. |
Last BCS Age | The age of the animal at the last body condition score. |
Last BCS Date | The date of the last body condition score. |
Last BCS | The last body condition score. |
Last Breeding Date | The date of the animals last breeding. This is defined if the animal has ever been bred. |
Last Breeding Sire Barn Name | The barn name of the sire that was used for the last breeding. |
Last Breeding Sire NAAB | Valid if the last breeding sire was an AI bull. |
Last Breeding Sire Registration ID | The ID of the sire that was used for the last breeding. This value is used if the sire is not in the herd or in the semen inventory. |
Last BST Injection Date | The date of the last BST injection. |
Last BST Injection Dosage | The dosage of the last BST injection. |
Last BST Injection Product Name | The product that was used for the last BST injection. |
Last BST Treatment Date | Same as Last BST Injection Date. |
Last Calving Date | The date of the last calving. This is defined if the animal has ever had a calf. |
Last Calving Difficulty Level | The difficulty level of the last calving. |
Last Calving Number of Live Young | The number of live young that were born at the last calving. |
Last Confirmed Pregnant Date | The date of the last pregnancy confirmation. |
Last Confirmed Pregnant Remark | Remark entered for the last pregnancy confirmation. |
Last Dry Off Date | The date of the last dry off. This is valid if the animal has ever been dried off. |
Last Dry Off Dry Cow Treatment | Whether dry cow treatment was used for the last dry off (either "Yes" or "No"). |
Last EC Milk | The last energy corrected milk weight. |
Last Fat % | The fat percentage for the last test date. |
Last Fat Wt | The fat weight for the last test date. |
Last FC Milk | The last fat corrected milk weight. |
Last General Medical Date | The date of the last general medical event. |
Last General Medical Diagnosis | The diagnosis of the last general medical event. |
Last General Medical Treatment | The treatment that was prescribed for the last general medical event. |
Last General Vaccination Date | The date of the last general vaccination event. |
Last General Vaccination Vaccine | The vaccine that was used for the last general vaccination event. |
Last Heat Date | The date of the last heat when the animal was not serviced. |
Last Heat Detection Method | The detection method used for the last heat when the animal was not serviced. |
Last Heat Reason Not Serviced | The reason the animal was not serviced at the last heat. |
Last Height | The last height measurement. |
Last Height Age | The age at the last height measurement. |
Last Height Date | The date at the last height measurement. |
Last J-5 Vaccination Date | The date of the last J-5 vaccination. |
Last Mastitis Date | The date of the last mastitis diagnosis. |
Last Mastitis Quarter(s) | Which quarters were treated for the last mastitis episode. |
Last Mastitis Treatment | What treatment was used for the last mastitis episode. |
Last Milk Culture Date | The date of the last milk culture test. |
Last Milk Culture Quarter | The quarter that the last milk culture was taken from. |
Last Milk Culture Result | The lab results from the last milk cutler test. |
Last Milk Value | The value of the last daily milk. |
Last Milk Wt | The milk weight from the last test day. |
Last MLV-9-Way Date | The date of the last MLV-9-Way vaccination. |
Last Mngt Level Milk | The computed management level milk from the last test day. |
Last Negative Pregnancy Date | The date of the last negative pregnancy diagnosis. |
Last No BST Date | The date of the last "No BST" event. "No BST" means that the animal should not be treated with BST. |
Last Post-Partum Check Date | The date of the last post-partum check. |
Last Pro % | The protein percentage from the last test day. |
Last Pro Wt | The protein weight from the last test day. |
Last Protein to Fat Ratio | The ratio of protein to fat for the last test day. |
Last Repro Treatment Date | The date the animal last received a reproductive drug. |
Last Repro Treatment Method | The drug that was used for the last reproduction treatment. |
Last SCC | The somatic cell count from the last test day. |
Last Test Date | The date of the last test that this animal participated in. |
Last Test DIM | How many days the animal was in milk as of the last test day. |
Last Test Lactation | Which lactation the animal was in as of the last test day. |
Left Tatoo/Brand | The animal's left tatoo or brand information. |
Lifetime Cost | How much this animal has cost during its entire life. |
Lifetime Fat | The total lifetime fat produced by this animal. |
Lifetime Milk | The total lifetime milk produced by this animal. |
Lifetime Protein | The total lifetime protein produced by this animal. |
Lifetime Value | The value of the total lifetime milk produced by this animal at the current milk price. |
Maternal Granddam Barn Name | The barn name (or number) of the maternal granddam. |
Maternal Granddam Other ID | The alternate ID of the maternal granddam. |
Maternal Grandsire Barn Name | The barn name (or number) of the maternal grandsire. |
Maternal Grandsire Other ID | The alternate ID of the maternal grandsire. |
Milk Change % | The change in percentage in milk production between the last two test days. |
Milk Wt @ 150 DIM | The actual or projected daily milk weight at 150 days in milk. |
Month-to-Date Milk Month-to-Date EC Milk Month-to-Date FC Milk Month-to-Date Value Month-to-Date Fat Month-to-Date Protein |
Estimated total milk production for this month so far (EC = energy corrected, FC = fat corrected) |
Month-to-Date Profit/Loss | The profit (or loss) from this animal so far this month. |
Neutered | Whether the animal is neutered ("Yes" or "No"). |
Next Abortion (New Lact) Date | The expected date of the next abortion resulting in a new lactation. |
Next Abortion (Open) Date | The expected date of the next abortion not resulting in a new lactation. |
Next Breeding Date | The next expected breeding date. |
Next BST Treatment Date | The next expected BST treatment date. |
Next Calving Date | The next expected calving date. |
Next Confirmed Pregnant Date | The expected date for pregnancy confirmation. |
Next Dry Off Date | The next expected dry-off date. |
Next General Medical Date | The next expected general medical event date. |
Next General Vaccination Date | The next expected general vaccination date. |
Next Heat Date | The next expected heat date when the animal will not be serviced. |
Next J-5 Vaccination Date | The date of the next expected J-5 vaccination. |
Next Mastitis Date | The next expected mastitis date. |
Next Milk Culture Date | The expected date of the next milk culture. |
Next MLV-9-Way Date | The date of the next expected MLV-9-Way vaccination. |
Next Negative Pregnancy Date | The date of the next expected negative pregnancy diagnosis. |
Next No BST Date | The expected date of the next "No BST" designation. |
Next Post-Partum Check Date | The date of the next post-partum check. |
Next Repro Treatment Date | The expected date of the next reproductive drug treatment. |
No BST Count | The number of "No BST" designations for this animal. |
Notes | Notes for this animal (from the Animal Details view). |
Num Estrus Cycles Past VWP | Number of complete 21-day cycles that have occurred since a cow's Voluntary Waiting Period was over. |
Number | The animal's number or ID. This is used instead of Barn Name if your herd is set up to use numbers instead of barn names. |
Other ID | Other identification for this animal (from the Animal Details view). |
Peak Milk Last Lactation | The animals peak production for the last lactation. |
Peak Milk This Lactation | The animals peak production so far for the current lactation. |
Previous BCS | The previous body condition score. |
Previous BCS Age | The animal's age at the previous body condition score. |
Previous BCS Date | The date of the previous body condition score. |
Previous EC Milk | The energy corrected milk weight for the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Fat % | The fat percentage for the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Fat Wt | The fat weight for the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous FC Milk | The fat corrected milk weight for the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Height | The previous height measurement. |
Previous Height Age | The age at the previous height measurement. |
Prevous Height Date | The date of the previous height measurement. |
Previous Lactations | The number of lactations for this animal for which there is no data in the herd database. |
Previous Milk Wt | The milk weight for the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Mngt Level Milk | The computed management level milk for the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Pro % | The protein percentage for the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Pro Wt | The protein weight for the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Protein to Fat Ratio | The protein to fat ratio for the previous test day (test test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous SCC | The somatic cell count for the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Test Date | The date of the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Test DIM | The number of days in milk for this animal as of the previous test day (the test day before the most recent test day). |
Previous Weight | The previous weight measurement. |
Previous Weight Age | The age at the previous weight measurement. |
Previous Weight Date | The date of the previous weight measurement. |
Protein Change % | The change in percentage in protein production between the last two test days. |
Purpose | The purpose of this animal (Milk Production, Meat, Heifer Raised for Customer, Other) |
Reason Entered Herd | The reason the animal entered the herd. |
Reason Left Herd | The reason the animal was removed from the herd. |
Registered Name | The animals registered name. |
Registration Number | The animals registration number. |
Repro Status | The animals current reproduction status ("Open", "Bred", or "Confirmed Pregnant"). |
Right Tatoo/Brand | The brand or tatoo information for the right side, ear, etc. |
SCC Change % | The change in somatic cell count between the last two test days. |
Sire Barn Name | The sires barn name. |
Sire Other ID | Other ID for the sire. |
Tag | The external tag for the animal |
Times Bred | The number of times the animal has been bred since the last calving. |
Weaning Date | The date of the animal was weaned. |
Year-to-Date Milk Year-to-Date EC Milk Year-to-Date FC Milk Year-to-Date Value Year-to-Date Fat Year-to-Date Protein |
Estimated total milk production for this year so far (EC = energy corrected, FC = fat corrected) |
Year-to-Date Profit/Loss | The profit (or loss) from this animal since Jan 1. |