The List View (or Check List View) is a window that shows a list of animals that are selected according to how the list is designed. To get to the List View, double-click on a check list name in the Herd Explorer.
When the List View first appears, it may be blank. If so, to generate the check list, click on the Refresh button. Depending on your herd size and the list design, it will take a few moments for the list to be created.
After the list is generated, the matching animals will be shown in the table. The table will have one or more columns. By default, the list will be sorted on the first column. You can sort on any of the columns by clicking on the column name. The arrow next to the column name shows which direction the list is sorted by (ascending or descending). To change the direction, simply click on the column heading again.
The toolbar along the bottom of the List View window has a button for designing the list. When you click on this button, the List Design dialog will be shown. See that help topic for more information about setting up your list.
The toolbar along the bottom of the List View window also has a button for saving the list. This saves the list design, not the contents of the list that was generated. This button will be enabled whenever you have made a change to the list design but haven't saved it yet.
You can print the check list that was generated by clicking on the Print button in the toolbar. This will cause a "Print Preview" window to be shown, giving you an idea of what the printed output will look like. Note that there may be an extra blank column in which you can write notes on the printed output. You can send this to the printer by clicking on Send To Printer. You can also save the list as an HTML document by pressing Save as HTML. HTML documents can be published on the Web or imported into other applications, such as Microsoft Word.
If something changes in DairyLive that may cause the list to become outdated, a message "Press Refresh to update the list" will appear on the top of the List View window. Press the Refresh button to re-generate the list with the current data.
You can perform operations on an animal or animals directly from the list of animals in the List View. To open an animal's Animal Details window, double-click on the animal.
Other operations that you can perform are:
- Add Event (see Add Event dialog)
- Add Reminder (see Add Reminder dialog)
- Events (see Event View)
- Reminders (see Reminder View)
- Print Details for Selected Animals
- Move Selected Animals (see Group dialog)
To get to one of these operations, select it from the Animal menu in the main menu, or, right-click on the selected animal or animals and select the operation from the pop-up context menu. To select multiple animals, click on the first animal. Then, holding the control key down on your keyboard, click on the other animals that you want in the group. To select a range of animals, click on the first animal. Then, holding the shift key down on your keyboard, click on the last animal. All animals between the first and last will also be selected.
In some cases, you can select more than one animal and then perform an operation on all of them. For example, you can select several animals and then select Object->Animal->Add Event to add an event for all of them at the same time.
If you select Print Details for Selected Animals from the Animal menu, an animal details report will be created containing all of the animals that you have selected. The report will appear in a Print Preview window. To send this report to your printer, press the Send to Printer button on the bottom of this window.
The animal details report will contain most of the information that you see in the Animal Details View. By default, it will also contain each animal's picture (if there is one). Since this can take a lot of space in your report, you can turn this off by selecting View->Options and Setup to bring up the Options and Setup dialog and removing the appropriate check mark.
If you select Move Selected Animals from the Animal menu, a dialog will prompt you for the name of the group you want to move the animals to. This is the easiest way to move a large group of animals into the same group based on how animals match the list design.
To move the animals, refresh the list and select which animals you want to move. To select multiple animals, hold the Control key down on your keyboard as you select them with the left mouse button. Then select Animal->Move Selected Animals. A dialog will prompt you for the name of the group to move the animals to.
After you have generated a check list, you can export the contents of the list to a file. Click on the Export button along the bottom of the Check List window or select List->Export from the main menu. A File Save dialog will be shown. You can save the file as a comma-separated value file (.CSV), which can be imported into Excel and Access, or you can save it as a file suitable to export to I.D.ology RFID readers. When exporting to I.D.ology, the fields that are exported include the tag or barn name, RFID number, RFID note from the list design, and the group number to which the animal belongs.
You can merge two or more lists together into a master list. See Merged List View for more information.