List Design Dialog
The List Design dialog is the
place where you set up the way a check list is created. You get
to this dialog by opening up a List View and then pressing the Design button or selecting
List->Design from the main menu.
The list design dialog is a tabbed
dialog. Along the top of the dialog you will see three "tabs". Each tab corresponds to a different
"page" in the dialog. Press one of the tabs to expose
that page.
This dialog is a bit different
from other DairyLive dialogs because it has no OK or Cancel
button. You can leave this dialog open while you go back to the
list view and try out your new settings. To close the dialog,
click on the Close button. The dialog will also be closed when
you close the list view.
The list design dialog has three tabs:
- The
General Tab
- The General tab has five
fields that control the name, RFID note, default event type, date, and refreshing of the
- List Name
- Type in a short description
of the list, such as "Heifers Due to Calve in the
Next Week". The list name can be up to 100
- RFID Note
- Type in up to 8 characters as
a note to be sent to I.D.ology readers when the
list is exported, such as "PGCHK"
- Default Event Type
- Select the type of event that you would
like to be the default event when you enter an event from the check list.
- Use This "As Of"
- A list can be generated
relative to any point in time. Normally you will generate
a list "as of" today, but you may want to see
what things were like a month ago or a year into the
future. Change the "As Of" date if you want to.
See Entering Dates for information about how to enter dates.
- Automatically Refresh...
- You may have noticed that the
list view contains a Refresh button. When you press this
button, the list is regenerated from the current data. If
you want a list to always remain "up to date",
check this checkbox. Note, however, that this may slow
things down, because the list could be regenerated
whenever you make a change elsewhere in DairyLive.
- The
Data Tab
- The Data tab provides a way
to define what fields are shown in the list and what
animals are selected to be in the list.
- This tab has a table with
four columns. Each row in the table defines a field to
either show, select upon, or both. The columns are:
Field |
value is the name of a single "property" or
"attribute" of an animal. Barn Name, Last
Milk Wt, and Due Date are examples of
an animal property. Some properties are derived from event types, for example,
Last Confirmed PG where Confirmed PG is the name of the event type.
Relationship |
value is used when you want this field to select an
animal for the list. For example, if the property name is
Last Milk Wt, you can select "more
than" from the Relationship column to restrict the
list to include only the animals whose last milk weight
was greater than a certain number. |
Value |
column applies only if you selected a relationship for
this field. The value that you want to compare against is
placed in this column. |
Show |
you do not want this field to be shown in the generated
list, remove the check from the checkbox in this column.
For example, you may have a Lactation Status
field with a relationship of "= Fresh". Since
only animals that are fresh will be shown in the list,
you do not really need to show this property in the
generated list. |
- When you create a new list
(see Herd Explorer), the list will initially contain two
fields: Barn Name (or Number) and In Herd equals Yes.
Presumably you will always want to see the barn names and
you do not want to include culled animals in the list.
- Adding and Inserting
New Fields
- To add a new row to the
table, select the field name from the first column in the
last row. This row will have a star to the left of it.
Click on the arrow to drop down the list. The field names
will be sorted alphabetically.
- To insert a row in the middle
of the table, click in the left margin next the row where
you want to insert the new row. Then click the Insert
- Deleting and Moving
Rows Around
- You can delete a row in the
table by clicking next to the row in the left margin and
then clicking the Delete button. To move rows around,
click in the left margin next to the row you want to
move, and then click on the Up or Down button.
- AND's and OR's
- The selection criteria for a
list can get rather complicated. By default, an animal
must satisfy all of the relationships in order to be
included in a list. There are times, though, when you
want the list to include animals that are the
"union" of two other lists. For example, you
may want to create a master breeding list that contains
all heifers that are at least 16 months old OR cows that
have been open for more than 45 days. If you have a field
"Age more than 15 months" and another field
"DIM more than 45", you will not get any
heifers who have not yet calved because they have never
been in milk.
- To accomplish what you want,
you can set up two sets of list criteria and
"OR" them together. Here's how to do this: In
the first part of the table, add fields for Barn Name and
"Age more than 15 months". Then add another
field for "DIM more than 45". Now click in the
left margin next to "DIM more than 45" and
click on the OR button. You will see a row open up
containing only the word "OR". When DairyLive
generates this list, it will find all the animals that
satisfy the criteria in the first part of the list and
combine them with all the animals that satisfy the
criteria in the second part of the list.
- If you set up a list
containing OR's, remember to repeat any fields that you
want to apply to all animals. In the previous example,
you should repeat the "In Herd equals Yes"
field in both parts of the list so that you don't get any
culled animals in the final list.
- NOTE: Another way to combine
lists together is to set up separate simple lists and
then use the Merge Lists operation to merge the lists
together. See Merged List View.
- Sorting
- You can set a default sort field and ordering. Select the field you want to sort
on and then click on either the "Asc" (ascending) or "Desc" (descending) radio button.
When the list is generated, DairyLive will sort on this field. If you do not specify
a particular field, DairyLive will always sort on the first field.
- Using Dates in a List
- Some of the animal properties
are time-related, for example, Last Calving Date. When
this is the case, you can specify whether the date was
on, before, or after some number of days, weeks, months,
or years, either "from now" or "ago".
For example, suppose you want to select animals whose
calving date is in the next 30 days. You would add a
field to the table as "Due Date" "On or
Before" "30 Days from Now".
- The
Additional Data Tab
- Your list can contain additional data.
The Additional Data Tab has three areas. The top area allows you to
select whether to include daily summary test day data for some previous number of
days. These data are added as additional columns to the generated
list. If you are capturing individual milkings instead of daily totals,
you can select values in the middle area. (Many of these values are specific
to the AIC system.)
The bottom area allows you to select whether to include
summary data, such as total, average, and standard deviation. If you
select one of the checkboxes in the bottom area, your list will show the
summary data separately at the bottom of the List
- See Also
- List
- Merged
List View
- Animal Properties