New Test Date Dialog
To create a new test date, you
will use the New Test Date dialog. To get to this dialog, you
must first go to the Test Dates dialog. To get to the Test Dates dialog, you must
first go to the Enter Test Day Data dialog and press the "Add/Delete Test
Dates" button.
- New Test Date
- Enter the date of the test
day. For information about entering dates, see Entering
- Milk Weights Will Be
Entered As...
- A test date can be set up so
that milk weights are entered by individual milkings or
as totals for all milkings. Select which one applies.
(Note: If you take your own milk weights, you will
probably want to select the "Individual
Milkings" option. If you are transcribing data from
a lab that includes all milkings for the test date, then
use the "All Milkings Combined" option. Note
that if you collect milk weights for only one milking,
DairyLive can estimate the data for the other milkings.
See the Estimate Test Data Dialog.)
- Test Notes
- You can enter any free text
you want for test notes.
- See Also
- Enter Test Day Data Dialog